Closeted men face issues silently that Open gay men may or may not understand. We hold a secret, that we cannot let out or keep inside. The pressure is real. Although Closeted men are comparatively comfortable being in the closet. Relationship with a Closeted guy isn't easy. Hence, most of them end up staying single, or with "Friends" whom they meet occasionally for sex. Then there are those who are only into hook -ups. A few things that all closeted gays go through, that they stay single - Being Discreet - Discreet Closeted guys are always under the issue of being "out-ed". More so because the gay world is a small group. The guys you date would have friends of friends of friends who could be open and know someone from your office or family. They wouldn't be comfortable taking pictures with the open ones, or getting around with their friends. With the open crowd trying to own up to their sexuality, the discreet cannot risk being tagged. They are al...
When a mid twenties Closeted gay guy overwhelmed by the happenings in the Gay world, needs a let out.