Previously I had written about not fitting in the gay world, As a Bisexual, I don't exactly fit in the Straight world as well. I seem to be a cat on the wall where I can don't just fit in. After some bitter experiences in the Gay world, I had decided to go with the Straight world, to gel in. But as it turns out, I don't feel like myself over there. These are the few reasons for this, I feel Sports - I have zero interest in sports. Although I go to the gym and used to play basketball at school, I never understood sports, and was great at any. When you are wit straight guys, you need to know a bit about wrestling, a bit about cricket or football. I didn't know it was essential to be good friends with straight people. As much as I don't watch "Sex and the City" or any such shows, I am not particularly able to make a conversation about "today's match", I feel left out. Drunk talk/ dance - Men are really stupid when they are drunk. They ...
When a mid twenties Closeted gay guy overwhelmed by the happenings in the Gay world, needs a let out.