Those Rare sensitive men, who draw you to them. Those who take an effort to befriend you, yet they keep the distance. Those charming men who do everything to be charming only to be frank about their intentions. Those men who are seemingly sexual, filling their void in the heart with warm bodies and new conquest. For some reason, they are those who seemingly lead a "Full life".
From the guy that Dobby dated, who was in an intensely romantic relationship with a "his friend", only to get married (cose duh!), and got divorced. The Dirty Doc we all know about. The failed love story haunts every other guy in his thirties. Loosing their faith in love, they turn towards making "Friends". But, I don't understand why that makes it unworthy for the next generation to experience the romance. Why is Romance between men a wrong thing?
In Today's day and age, I believe that Men must openly "Romance". Romance of Men must make the women go jealous. Two men in love, who have had their hearts broken, must be a thing. When a straight guy looses his girl friend, they would move on. But Gay men blame men for their broken spirit, and deny to romance with any other. But, what did the new guy do to deserve any less?!
It is easier to love a flower that is fresh, but to be with a tarnished flower for the residue of its scent is magical, and those must be celebrated more than the other. Many would ask, then wasn't your initial love farce?! some write sagas saying it is not necessary to live with those whom you love . For me its as simple as this. Priorities. Whatever may it be, if you end up breaking each other's heart for whatever reason, it simply means, something else means more than the partner's heart. To break the spirits and set a bad example to those around you isn't going to help in any way. in fact, it makes those naive wide eyed chaps to loose faith, To settle down to someone for sex with no romance. To take the burden of a broken heart for almost feeble attention.
I say that you all deserve high ended romance. We can write sagas that have succeeded. Let men who have loved too much heal by moving on to someone who accept them. Make each other believe that you can heal each other.
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