It feels that way most of the time. And there is something that my friend shared recently . It came at a time when I was pretty much lost. Taken for a ride by the people I openly trusted. Whom I thought I could count on. I guess, for being the guy who wants someone to be mine, more than just for bed, or as a dirty secret. I guess, This quote was the harsh reality.
Ted Mosby: I used to believe in destiny, you know? I go to the bagel place, see a pretty girl in line, reading my favorite novel, whistling the song that's been stuck in my head all week, and I think: "Wow... Hey, maybe she's the one?" Now I think: "I just know that bitch is going to take the last whole wheat everything bagel."
Robin Scherbatsky: You've just been focused on work.
Ted Mosby: No, it's more than that. I stopped believing. Not in some depressed I'm-gonna-cry-during-my-toast way. Not in a way I even noticed until tonight. It's just, every day I think I... believe a little less, and a little less, and a little less, and that sucks. What do I about that, Scherbatsky?
Robin Scherbatsky: You're Ted Mosby. You start believing again.
Ted Mosby: In what? Destiny?
Robin Scherbatsky: Chemistry. You got chemistry, you only need one other thing.
Ted Mosby: What's that?
Robin Scherbatsky: Timing. But timing's a bitch.
Everytime. Everyday. Every profile. This is what I would wonder. Every guy Who liked me, I didn't connect. Those who I wanted to connect with, was behind someone else. The cycle was endless. Everyday, I try to be that person, whom, the people around would say, is lucky to have me. Not in a pompous way, but I mean in the most genuine way possible. Someone who went strong against all odds, yet effortlessly into making a relationship that inspired people around. But, yes. timing is a bitch!
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