Relationships are all about giving and receiving. A strong relationship, be it a straight or Gay one, is about mutuality. Even in sex, the pleasure is both ways, by giving and receiving. Many guys I see, are somehow entitled to the "receiving" end, and may be because there are many "givers" to that one person. The entitlement is tiring at times, especially when they say stuff like "Woo me", "I deserve the best", "catch me if you can" types.
Straight world is under some gender roles, which can be amended based on the individuals, but the gay world is confusing. Rainbows have shades but there is a slow gradient of each color. But, when it comes to gays, it is very hard to choose which color you are. Sometimes, there is just so much giving, which you don't feel you deserve, you give back only to get back more. And then there are many others who demand a lot more than you can give.
May be if there is more mutuality in line, and we look for giving as much as receiving, and give back to an extent we can handle, there would be a harmony in the relationship, where the entitlement is not reversed. To those guys I see who are taking others for granted, there might be many guys who would go an extra mile for you, but they would, at one point, see if you reciprocate. If you end up in the receiving end all along, you might as well be ready for a big fall, when the boundaries are drawn.
Those who give expecting a a future reciprocation, you might end up not getting any, and the chances of being taken for granted are more. As for those, who are moderate and mutual. It's an art to master. its not like barter, don't take me wrong, its more like a dance. The movements must swing both ways, there is bending and holding, there is swaying and chasse!
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